Registration of sole proprietorship in Batumi

PE registration services in Batumi on a turnkey basis

What is included in the services of PE registration in Batumi?

Who most often registers a sole proprietorship in Batumi?

Who is ideally suited to register a sole proprietorship in Batumi:

Freelancers and remote workers

1% taxes for IT for sole proprietorships with turnover up to 500,000 GEL if clients outside Georgia.


PE “small business” allows you to engage in the organization of online training and various courses.

Business with the EU and the US

Ideal for doing business with companies from the EU and the USA. There are no currency controls in Georgia.

Trading on Amazon, Ebay, Esty

Great for working on online marketplaces. Such as Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Shopify.

Planning a move to Georgia

PEs are often registered by those who plan to move to Georgia. They are preparing to start a business remotely.

Are you ready to visit Georgia yet?

Fill out the form and you will be contacted shortly to discuss the details
  • PE in Batumi - open an PE in Batumi House of Justice. We will help you open an account in Credo Bank Batumi.

  • We will help to make a sole proprietorship in Batumi. We will register a sole proprietorship in the House of Justice. We will provide a legal address in Batumi. Help you open an account in Credo Bank batumi.

  • PE in Batumi turnkey - registration on-site or remotely. Help you open an account and card in Credo Bank Batumi.

  • PE in Batumi - translation support in Batumi Justice. Open a card Credo Bank Batumi. Call.

  • We will help to formalize a sole proprietorship in Batumi and an account in Credo Bank. We will provide a legal address accompanied by an interpreter.

  • We will advise you, help you to open a sole proprietorship in Batumi and a card of Credo Bank.

  • We will help to open a sole proprietorship in Batumi and an account in Bank of Georgia. Accompanied by a consultant-translator.

  • We will tell you how to open a sole proprietorship in Batumi and get a Bank of Georgia card. Accompanied by a specialist.

  • Turnkey: registration of sole proprietorship in Batumi and Bank of Georgia card. Juradress Batumi, translator.

  • Consultation on registration of a sole proprietorship in Batumi and account in the Bank of Georgia. Accompaniment.

  • Turnkey: registration of a sole proprietorship in Batumi and account in TBS Bank Batumi. Card TBS Bank in Batumi.

  • Accompanied by an interpreter and registration of a sole proprietorship in Batumi, TBS Bank Batumi card.

  • We will help to register a sole proprietorship in Batumi, account in TBC Bank Batumi. Call.

  • We will help to register a sole proprietorship in Batumi, issue a card in TBC Bank Batumi.